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Healing Journey: this too shall pass (Part 2)

This week I continue where I left off by sharing part 2 of the six things I learnt throughout my “this too shall pass” seasons.

If you are here and missed part 1, click here to read it.

4. Prioritise yourself

We always hear this “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. But how many of us have associated it with selfishness? We are created for a life of servant hood, this is why when we serve others, and put their needs first we feel good and alive. However, when our cup is running low or on empty, certain signs always show themselves.

We tend to be passive aggressive, resentment builds up towards those we are helping out, we start keeping the scores on how many times we’ve helped them vs what they’ve done for us in return.

Prioritising yourself is about creating a flow of life that allows you space and time to rest and to just BE. Prioritising yourself is saying “no” to an invitation to participate in something that’s against your values. Prioritising yourself can take form in setting healthy boundaries with yourself and others. No child enjoys the nagging of a parent always screaming in their ear for doing childish things. Prioritising yourself is about taking better care of yourself so that you are better equipped to take care of your tribe.

5. Practice gratitude

This is such a transformational practice. When we are in sticky situations, it so easy to focus steadily on what’s going wrong. The attention veers towards what’s not working or how much in trouble we are. Remember this, whatever you focus on, magnifies. I’m not saying ignore the situation but you have to build up determination that helps you to look beyond your current situation. Like the other bad chapters of your life which are in the past, the current one will pass too.

The beauty of life is that nothing in life is constant. With every changing season, we are afforded the opportunity to be moulded into eventually living the life we are meant to live. But we cannot reach that point of purposeful living if the focus is always on what’s going wrong. When things are seemingly going wrong, it is also an opportunity to ask “God what are You trying to teach me in this situation?”

With the practice of gratitude, you will be fuelled up to continue doing life with determination and grit. Ingredients which will help you overcome whatever challenges you may be faced with. In my experience, my struggles have been instrumental in me getting closer to living the life that God created me for.

6. Stay grounded in God’s love and accept His grace

The tragic passing of my Mother was a turnaround point for me. I had not only lost my mother but I lost my best friend, and confidant. I felt very alone in the world, despite always being surrounded by people who loved and cared for me. Because of this tragedy, my almost non-existent relationship with God was resuscitated. Because I felt alone, God became my solitude, my strength and my friend. I befriended Him again.

This reintroduction came in that hospital room, that night when I was crying frantically over my Mother’s body, asking her to wake up. As I lay on her lifeless body, what was a previously a heavy room became airy and soft. I felt an ease in my heart and I heard myself mumble out in prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven”. I prayed until my tears ran dry.

Since then, Christ is the rock on which I stand. I encourage you to find Him again. Unlike people, He remains unchanging. If you need to feel safe and secure, listen to the song, Firm Foundation - one of my favourites by Cody Carnes. Every time I listen to this song, I am reminded that I am not alone in whatever I’m going through. And that, this too, shall pass.

As you listen to the words of this song, immerse yourself in the lyrics and proclaim them over your life; allow yourself to feel by embracing whatever comes up for you. It may be time to release, so don’t hold back. It’s time for surrender, don’t hold back.

Remember, this too shall pass!

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Tumelo Tjale
Tumelo Tjale
Jun 14, 2023

When we lay bare before His throne, He overwhelms us with His loving comfort. I have experienced that hug from above :). Cannot be measured !

Jun 15, 2023
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Amen 🙏🏾

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